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FSHS Beta Club hosting National Beta Week March 7-11

After a strong performance at the state beta convention, the French Settlement High School Beta Club is continuing their acts of service by hosting National Beta Week March 7-11.

Each day of the week will have a different theme and allow all students to give back. FSHS Principal Mr. John Chewning will also sign a proclamation for National Beta Week.

Monday | Time to lead: Drop everything & read for 20 minutes (time will be given during second period).

Tuesday | Time to Serve: Students are invited to the library during their lunch period to create paracord bracelets for the military. Beta members will also write thank you cards to community leaders.

Wednesday | Time to Achieve: Students are invited to participate in the 3 Stars and 1 Wish activity during homeroom. There will also be a Beta board posted in the 200 building with students’ achievements. Thursday | Time to Motivate: Students will be invited to write positive cards to send to local nursing homes. A table will be set up during lunch. Friday | Time to Reflect: Students will be invited to write staff shout-outs during lunch. Students will participate in a scavenger hunt. We will also have a $2 dress day. Students can wear either a blue/yellow shirt with uniform bottoms for Down Syndrome Awareness month. Proceeds will go to the Livingston Activity Center!!

For more information, see Mrs. Jennifer Vulgamore.


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